Monday, February 7, 2011

Enlightenment anyone?

So I've revamped my blog...again. I don't know man but this thing is like a work in progress, much like my life, but I'm grateful for the evolution...really I am. So to answer your question...yeah, it's quite possible that I'm on some other ish right now.

Which is also why I changed the name and theme of this blog, because I felt like I had wayyyy too much going on in my previous one and I really couldn't get with the name either..."The Next B Thing"'s kinda whack now that I think about it, but I felt the "Balancing Act" suited better for the simple fact that's exactly what I'm doing. And I also found out some other stuff along the 1) how much I actually dislike entertainment journalism and the personalities that that industry entails and in a perfect world I would rather do travel and/or food journalism. 2) That maybe a relationship isn't all what it's cracked up to be 3) I did a piss poor job of balancing everything before because either way something or someone was always being neglected. 4) I dig meditation now. 5) That I HAD to change ALOT if Knight Prodigy Publishing was ever going to see the light of day 6) Finding my focus was half the battle. 7) Ignore negativity...all of it.

I really had to sit down and figure out how I was wired too, which took longer than I expected because some of those wires I had were crossed and others just needed to be cut all together. And I'm proud  that I took out that time to be still and listen instead of always on the go. I can say at 25 I'm taking great joy and pride in tailoring my life like a fierce Prada suit...cause in life, in my opinion, it's really all about the right fit.

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