
The Grammy's Tonight...

 Believe it or not, I'm not sure how excited I am about the Grammy's this year, I mean, all these award shows look the same, and it's pretty much predictable if you ask me. Justin Bieber, Eminem, Lady Gaga, and Jay-Z are the front suprise there. I guess I'll be looking forward to what everyone is wearing, including the GaGa girl. She's does have a way keeping her audience in suspense, last year she was a galaxy...this year she could very well be one of the seven ancient wonders of the world...easily.

Oh and Kudos to Chris Brown who is making a strong come back this year with a couple of nominations, but will not be attending the Grammy's, probably because his restraining order won't allow him to be in  the same room as Rhianna.

So  we'll see what happens, and in the meantime...I'm going to attempt to trascribe the OJ da Juiceman interview, if not I'm going to hae to get REAL creative...

(highlights,lowlights, ish we won't remember cont.)

The Low Lights

Eminem’s performance- alright alright, I know I’m going to get flack for this but there is a method to my madness ok...hear me out… I put Eminem in the low light category NOT because of him, but because of his surprise guest Rhianna, cause’ surprise surprise…this chick STILL can’t sing! I love Eminem, but damn be wary of the company you keep…on stage at least, cause we all know “Love the way you lie” is about Kim’s crazy ass…and she’s not going anywhere. But he did win best hip hop video, so there’s your silver lining.

Justin Beiber-, who won best new artist, was lip synching because he’s going through puberty. <<

Chelsea Handler- You know, it really saddens me to have to do this, because I love Chelsea Handler, she’s a funny white chick, but her dry humor is no Seinfeld man, as my friend Sommer said it “ she’s only good in increments.” While it sounded like a great idea to have Chels’ as the host…it turned out to be anything but.

The ISH we won’t remember

Jersey Shore’s infamous hot tub got Chelsea Handler pregnant.

Drake’s performance of "Fancy"- I love Drake as a lyricist, I really do, but even with Drake’s R&B ass trying to serenade Mary J. Blige, and with Swizz Beats on piano (when did he learn to do that? Oh yeah while he was having his 7+ year affair with Alicia Keys, duh! I’m so forgetful sometimes…) it was just BLAH, like most rappers performances are.

They didn’t even let Chris Brown hit the main stage LOL, he was forced to sing a snippet of a song from atop with the up and comers…sooo wrong, but comical nonetheless. And speaking of which, didn’t BET have that same concept? Having the up and coming artists sing a little off to the side, so we know they exist? Yeah, there go MTV biting again off the black folks. History just continues to repeat itself…does it not?

Unfortunately, B.O.B with Hayley Williams of Paramore, plus Paramore’s performance…I say this because they took a full set and split it between the two of them, and neither one had enough time to do it justice, it was like soon as you were about to start jamming to “Airplanes”, B.O.B vanished off stage and then you were like “ok, we’re about to jam to ‘Only Exception’”, the chorus ends and then fade to black, no fair man… and Nicki Minaj Pre-show performance: I put this here because it was neither a highlight, nor lowlight, and it actually won't be forgotten, but I sure hope so becuase there was so much backlash given to for his black on black ensemble. People were tweeting that he "set back black people 100 years because of his 'black face' make up". Really, you guys "black face''? Here's what had to say about it: "Let go of the past. there are far more important things 2 bark about. (Jobs, health, education) not a black man wearing all black everything." Couldn't have said it better myself, ya'll know he out there like that, and as for Nicki Minaj..well she's always going to be an after thought to me.

…Oh yeah Usher did perform didn’t he? *shrugs shoulder*

Lindsay Lohan… “No one likes to work with a me I know!”

I don't mean to be synical, but I wish these award shows would give me something REALLY to look forward to next time.
If I missed anything, or you just want to rant, be sure to leave a comment or two :)

(Big Boi cont.)

BK: I really love the album by the way, I know ATL, wasn’t showing love like that out here like they should have.

BB: Yeah man, they psyched out out here man (laughs)

BK: How do you feel about what Greg Street was saying about the album “he [Big Boi] has to make the people of ATL want it [the music]'', I thought that was almost blaspemous to say.

BB: Somebody said something about that right there, I don’t know what he’s talking about, that’s suppose to be my homeboy right there, but I don’t know what the fuck he talking about on that one.

BK: So I hear you’re already working on your second solo album already, Daddy Fat Sax: Soul Funk Crusader , and you’re like six songs in already right?

BB: Yup, Yup

BK: What can fans expect from this album?

BB: Same thing man, just keeping the good music going, keeping it crunk and soulful, just really groovy you know what I mean, it’s all about putting down your creative ideas, and that’s what I’ve always tried to do [with my music] and still be in the groove of it.

BK: So is it going to be more or less live instrumentation?

BB: It’s going to be some of everything, you know live instrumentation is a big part of what we do, so it really just depends what each song is called for.

BK: Is it really true that the name "Daddy Fat Sacks" came from a gentlemen who worked at a Krystal's around where you and Dre used to record at?

BB: (laughs) Yeah, if you got a sackful, he'd put a couple extra in the bag, thats how he got that name. I recently found out he passed away too, so to pay my respects I named the second album "Daddy Fat Sax".

BK: So how are you going to combat what happen to Sir Lucious Left Foot to make sure that doesn't happen to Daddy Fat Sax, you know with radio and all?

BB: You know right now, radio is programmed, and it’s programming people to like stuff that they don’t necessarily like, and as Outkast, we never really tried to cater to the radio anyway, just really sticking to making the best music I can make possible. Even if the radio doesn’t get it, the fans are ALWAYS going to get it, I mean sold out shows across the globe, so fuck that radio (laughs).

BK: Fuck that radio, I’m with it man, so you are tour right now right?

Big Boi performing "Follow Us" feat. Vonnegutt

BB: Yup, [ Sir Lucious Left Foot: The Son of Chico Dusty Tour] just started Wednesday (September 1, 2010) at University of Iowa, leaving for Atlantic City tonight, then New York, Canada, going back to Australia, then headed over to the west coast til’ December, so I’m booked.

BK: Well damn, can I borrow some of YOUR frequent flyer miles?

BB: (laughs) Can you do that?

BK: I don’t know, but I’m willing to try (laughs) So you know I got to ask, when is Outkast the duo, making another album?

BB: (laughs) as soon as Dre finishes his solo album, we’ll get to cracking on it.

BK: Yeah I heard a snippet of “I do” that leaked, that’s a hot track right there.

BB: That’s actually a Young Jeezy song, yeah that’s going to be on Youg Jeezy’s album. It’s Jeezy , Jay-Z and Dre on that, but they leaked it like it was his. I checked it out a couple of weeks ago with Dre.

BK: Wow, did not know that. Very cool. Looking forward to that too; I’m about to wrap it up, but before I do, I did a Twitter and FaceBook blast for the fans who had questions for you, and I got this one from @thegogetter, he wants to know, if you were a kind of car, what kind of car would you be?

BB: Definitely a 79’ Cadillac Seville, a classic, you ever see one around, it's me, and I’ll be watching and you know why (laughs).

BK: And who is this little person over here that’s keeps cheesing and giggling, is this your son Cross?

BB: Yeah this is Cross right here, say what’s up man.

BK: How you doing man, you excited to be here?

Cross: Yes (laughs)

BK: Are you going to follow in your dad’s footsteps maybe?

Cross: Yes (laughs)

BB: Yeah he likes the music thing, but we got to get this school thing first man, but whatever he wants to do , I encourage it, it’s on him though, but I don’t really fuck with the music biz no more, it’s garbage.

BK: It REALLY is, you ain’t never lied about that.

BB: hell I’d rather him go out there and sell cocaine (laughs)

BK: Awww man don’t say that, you didn’t hear that Cross, cover your ears…ear muffs! (laughs)

BK: Well I appreciate this interview Big Boi, I know your about to go on stage and do your thing, big ups and congrats on all you success.

BB: Oh of course and thank you… it was nice talking too you to mama…be easy.

BK: Will do.

Big Boi really is cooler than a polar bears toe nails...oh hell...I couldn't resist, I always find myself quoting Outkast...I'm currently editing the footage from my entire Labor Day Weekend, got some interviews with Dj Rob E Rob and Ron it was crazy weekend, so until I get the footage, you can check out my pics from the weekend here...Oh yeah shout outs to Mike B of Celebrity Booking Agency for making the connect...check out his website here .

(Ne-Yo cont.)

Originally this was supposed to be a mini movie, but due to time and financial constraints, it was reduced to the six videos. This is another reason why I like Ne-Yo so much, because no one has done anything like this since Michael Jackson, which according to Ne-Yo is what inspired the mini movie, namely Thriller, Moonwalker, and Bad...all personal favorites of my own by the way, not only making Libra Scale lyrically delicious, but also visually.

A scene from one of the videos, and yes that's Columbus Short with his fine ass, think NBC's Heros meets the Hood, with Ne-Yo playing the character Jerome, who is a former garbage man turned 1/3 of the crime fighting trio 'The Gentlemen'. The plot thickens when Jerome (Ne-Yo) has to decide between Fame and Love, when his love interest Pretti St. Claire making things nothing short of interesting.
I don't know about you, but this seems worth watching.
Libra Scale is set to drop on October 5, 2010.

Some other pics from the event:

Thank you Phene for this!

So many problems in the world, why can't we figure it out??? I'm hype to tell you about a new R&B / Soul singer from Houston, TX by the name of Jack Freeman. His 2nd single, "Figure It Out" has been on repeat on my ipod for the past week.... For humanity's sake, I had no choice but to share this song with you...

Gotta love these lyrics! This is the kind music out people needs to hear today...
"How come my brother can't find a job, let's figure it out/
Instead of tearing that young man down, let's help him figure it out/ "

My "Thank Me Later" Audition tape for Drake and Sprite...I didn't win, but hey it was still cool, that just means God has something else planned for the kid...shout out to Charles David Productions!

Phene and Dj Dub Floyd (..cont.)

Phene who is originally from Philly, also brought with him 2 consecutive lyricist awards when he decided to make Atlanta his home and his launch pad for his music career. Now I don't want to spoil everything because I plan on doing an on-camera interview with the young this is more like a heads up!
Also be sure to check out his website:

...Road to 8 Mile (cont.)

The competition was held at Masquerade in downtown Atlanta, a suspiousily grudgy venue, but they hold some of the best concerts there so I'm always down. Now ya'll know I'm a realist and I'm going on record by saying I've seen way better artists than this period, but I must give honorable mention to Headcrack who won that night, he also happens to work for 107.9FM on the Ricky Smiley's Morning Show. He'll be advancing to the final battle in Detroit in 8 Mile, a rough stretch in Detroit made famous by Emimnen himself. Also on the Honorable Mention: FattMan,4 Eyes, Me That's Who, and even Starr for being the only female lyrist in the bunch. The rest should definitely stick to their day jobs.

The way they set it up was dope too, making the competition interactive with the crowd by allowing us to text words for the artist's to freestyle in the second round and the first round 5 random images were put up on the screen, and when I say random, I mean random! Everything from fried chicken, Monica Kaufmann, a cup of ice tea, a freakin' gerbil; and they had 60 seconds to include all images in their flow. Bun B even gave us a mini concert at the end in promotion of his new album Trill O.G....which is FIRE! by the way, so I strongly reccommend copping that.

I even got my RedBull can autographed by both Bun B and DJ Cannon...hmmm I wonder how much that would go for on Ebay?

Kanye Performs for Twitter after his annoucment of his offcial Twitterhood...

With Kanye's annoucement of entering the Twitter-sphere, because that's newsworthy nowadays...SMH, I thought it would be cool to show Kanye performing verses acapella from his new album previously entitled 'Good ass job' for the big wigs over at Twitter headquarters. His 220,000 and counting following, which accumulated in a 24 hour period, were previed to a tidbit of info stating "The album is no longer called 'Good Ass Job' I'm bouncing a couple of titles around now," in one of his Tweets. The untitled album is set to drop September 14th. Check out the video below...the white people still don't know how to take this dude lol