Saturday, May 29, 2010

MIA Bound or M.I.A. Bound?

Alright so it's been a minute since I've posted last. That trip to New Orleans and Houston was killer and I tricked myself into believing that I was made for this road life ISH by taking a "moonlighting" media assignment to go to Miami for the Memorial Day Weekend. I went so far as to drive to my old stomping ground, Tallahassee, Fl to meet up with my ride. The object of the whole trip was to go down and get some backstage footage from the Best of the Best concert series. I was told we had the media passes, I lined up a media outlet and everything...I get down here..the plans changed...WTF? I don't like shiftiness like that...I'm one of those "Say what you mean...mean what you say " kind of gals. So I listen to my gut and pulled out at the last minute. As I get older I'm learning to do that more because, yeah I would've had a good time regardless because that's the place to be right now, but I would've come home empty handed with nothing to produce for my outlet...I'm a freelancer...that is how I get paid! So I stuck to my guns cause' I personally don't believe in putting out money with none coming in...that's basic economics right there and code of the street....but why am I still in Tallahssee contemplating a day trip to little Cuba? Hence the question MIA bound or Missing In Action bound...decisions decisions and if someone else says "You only live once" to me again...Imma! Imma! I'm probably going to go! LOL

Monday, May 17, 2010

Buddhist Monks & Hand Granades?

I told you this was going to be a trip for the books! But before I get into that, I must break the bad news that I didn't get the call back from Truth...but I'm cool I'm cool. *tear* but while I was on my trip I was accompanied by a fellow Truth candidate, my new buddy DJ Clean...CONGRATS to him for getting to the third round! Crazy thing is we didn't know each other had applied until after the trip...small world.

The header is definiteley an oxymoron, much like my life, but true nonetheless. New Orleans was nuts! Bourban Street was full of life and my homie Brashaad was insistent on getting these frozen drinks called Hand Granades. If you don't know what's in a Hand Granade, much like the group I was with, it contains rum, gin, vodka, grain alcohol, and melon liquer (JFGI-Just fucking Google It) Needless to say, I would be seeing that same mixture a couple of hours later along with the Crawfish Patties I ingested at Bourbon O...great going down, but coming back up...not so much.

Funky 54 is where the body shots took place, I would post those pics but they're rather sexually charged and people got significant others and ish, so we'll keep those for the "personal collection" Check out "The Morning After" below:

Now the whole purpose of us getting on the road was to go to Houston, TX. N.O. was just for kicks. We attended Master Chin's birthday celebration. Master Chin is a gifted Buddhist Monk who specializes in spiritual advisory. We were embraced by his culture with open arms, even having a VIP table prepared for us that was filled with fruits and water. Mind you Master Chin didn't know were coming, at least that's what we thought until he approached us and said "I knew you were coming"...this is when the Twilight music began. Here's the beginning of the ceremony:

After the night of bullet and stab wound riddled strippers, which seems to be the chart topping occupation of the women we encountered in Houston. We had our reading done by Master Chin. The continuation of the Twilight music picks up here. Now Mr. Chin doesn't take money, but he takes donations, he doesn't use Tarot cards or anything, he genuinely looks as though he's channeling something divine. I walked in and immediatley he's telling me "would you just relax" probably b/c I'm visibly wided eyed and bushy tailed at this point.

He tells me a great deal without me disclosing anything. I won't go into everything he told me, but when he said that my career was going to be good around 28-29, I had to know what I was going to be doing, he says " You'll be working in the entertainment industry...singing and writing." Like I said, this dude doesn't know me from a can of paint...with that, I'm going to be in the lab so hard, it doesn't make any sense! Here's to following your dreams! Click the header to check out all the pics!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

This weekend is going to be one for the books!

So in true busy "B" fashion, I am on my way out of town to both New Orleans and Houston with my friend Brashaad Mayweather, who is currently and successfully producing a TV show entitled the "Mayweather Live Show".Brashaad did the videography for one of my Essence Of Artistry art shows in Tallahassee (see my youtube channel) His show he says, is to educate the public about issues that are concerns, but not neccessarily spoken about on a large scale. Check it out by clicking the header!

Always love to hear when my people are doing well! And we have so much that we're getting into on this trip! but I'd rather show you than tell you...stay tuned!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sooo I'm always a busy little "B" and always keeping my ear to the wire for positions that beat a cubicle and where I can use the right side of my brain, so I applied for truth® 2010, you know the marketing juggernaunt of a campaign that piled body bags outside of the headquarters of a major tobacco company...yeah them... for a crew member position for their summer tour, which may include stops at Afro Punk Festival, Hot 97 summer jam, VANS Warped tour while promoting an ever present social issue

...basically just alot of great ISH ok :) This is even more rewarding for me, because I've actually flirted with the nasty habit and have quit, so this is super special. What a way to celebrate taking your life back you know? I did the video submission which I've posted below, which was a lot of fun with Jon,my cuzo, and his crew, over at Charles David Productions...SHOUT OUTS!!!

I got a call from GTM Central (whom by the way are the SHIT! check out their website who is heading up the campaign yesterday! The first thing they said was that they liked my video alot lol

I Did the phone interview which was nerve racking as hell. I was on speaker phone with a room full of people, not knowing whose voice belonged to what name. I'm not sure how I did really, I was just an overly nervous, extra high spirited version of myself.So I'll find out May 14 if they're going to invite me to New York for second round interviews. Crossed fingers and toes!

The other funny part is that I actually wasn't going to apply at first. I saw the ad, but let the original April deadline pass because I was being a punk, but then I saw it again and they extended it to May 6th, so I figured "I gotta do this now, I'd be a fool not too", and really the worst that could happen is they say "no"...and I've heard that never really bothered me much. :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

OXOSSI: Promoting Positivty & Social Awareness with dope fashion as their vehicle

Oxossi-Classics ( pronounced ok*so*se meaning: protector of people) is an Atlanta base collaborative venture between my good friends Tai Rotan and Atu Nii-Owoo.

Using the minimilistic approach of the T-shirt evolution, Oxossi has combined socially conscience figures of history including Marcus Garvey,Dizzy Gillespie,Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcom X, and Bob Dylan to name a few,creative design and "look at me " color flare to attract and unite the masses in peace, power, and love.

And if that doesn't get you...these are the perfect tee's to match with your favorite pair of J's or Addidas! Check out the Oxossi website by clicking the header!