Songwriting I'm an official songwriter...on paper that is. Now the next step is getting one of my songs placed with an artist...and before that happens...I need to record the rest of my songs.

This whole thing is new to me, but one step at a time. My first goal was to get signed to SESAC for representation...did that...and to think I made that goal a year and a half ago when I first decided I wanted this as one of my professions..yes cause' I have more than one. ( A little tid bit I pick up along the way from Nate Walker (wrote "Blame It"~Jamie Foxx) if you write a song that becomes a hit before you're represented, they'll bid for your representation...meaning you'll have a chance to up the ante on a sign on bonus).

So far I've had the opportunity to submit to Kenny Latimore for his new album "Back to Cool"...I didn't really have any songs that would fit his project... but there will be other opps I'm sure. Here's some footage from that meeting.