Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Jobs, Ciphers, and goofing off for the cameras

I know I was on some lovey dovey mess before, but it’s back to business as usual…like ALL the way…like I buckled down and got a regular job kind of way. I used to cringed at the idea of having one of those punch the clock thingy’s, but it’s doing a couple of things for me right now… supplementing my income and giving me some kind of structure…which is something I’m JUST now realizing I need, cause’ freelance means exactly that and it kind of resembles “free spirit” which I already am, and a double dose of that looks a lot like laziness…so here’s to all the dreamers out there who have to sit behind a desk…I feel your pain…but I thank God cause’ with employment rates staggering at 10%, me getting a job was an act of divine intervention…so I’m going with it.

But while I’m not there…

I did this cipher about a month ago with my cuz Jon over at Charles David Productions at the M Bar off Peter St. in ATL…great spot …(especially when I was able to do a food review on their new menu... which is coming soon since I’ve decided to have a separate blog for my food endeavors…thinking I’m going to call it “My inner Chubby Kid”…#nodaysoff)

Shout out to Damien Gordon and Marvin Blackwell too, the owners of M Bar. THANK YOU for your generous hospitality! … the crazy part was I wasn’t even supposed to be in the video, I helped Jon organize it came up with the concept…and that was it, but by default I did my thing…a “thing” that I’m embracing more and more each day.

And before that…

I also did a mock interview with my friend DJ Clean ( whose organizing the DC cipher…THANK YOU!) when he stopped through ATL. He hung out with me at OJ da Juiceman’s video shoot …thank God again cause’ if he wasn’t there, I imagine my evening being a tad more difficult to stomach. That interview is coming soon as well…got some technical difficulties with the audio 

Got stuff coming up this month too, an interview with Izzy Israel, Atlanta’s go to guy for jewelry. My Pops happens to be friends with him so I figure why not… New York’s got Jacob, L.A. has De Beers…and ATL has …Izzy.

Also, my girlfriend hired me to write her business plan for her modeling agency Belleza, and if you’ve ever written one, you know that it’s no joke, but I’m managing…hell I don’t have a choice.

“Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”

Saint Francis of Assisi

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Could the story of Cupid and Psyche be the “blueprint” for REAL love?

So Valentine’s Day is upon us….and believe it or not…I’m single (In my Drake voice). Yup… my relationship ended as soon and abrupt as it began. But I’m not sad, nor are me and the ex on bad terms of any kind. It really goes back to the “tailoring” my life to fit me kinda’ thing, and well…baby boy didn’t fit. And I’m ok with that…and he is too…I think…

But for all the other love birds out there who are indulging in the sweets of Valentine euphoria, I’d like to present the story of Cupid and Psyche, found in the Roman Mythology of Lucius Apuleius, a North African philosopher and novelist. His most famous work is his bawdy novel, the Metamorphoses, otherwise known as The Golden Ass. It relates to the outlandish adventures of one Lucius, who experiments with magic and is accidentally turned into an ass. *hehe*

The common theme throughout the book is “transformation”, hence the name “The Metamorphoses”, but between the books of 4-6 there lies the origin of Cupid and Psyche. I came across this and was so taken aback by the name alone. I didn’t even know Cupid had a boo! Much less with the name Psyche, and they had a kid whom they named Pleasure ( or Bliss depending on what version you read) which in turn got me thinking… with Cupid being the God of desire, affection, and erotic love and Psyche, eventually ( see story) becoming the Goddess of the Soul, isn’t that emphasizing that when desire meets the mind, you’ve found your proverbial “match made in heaven”?

Because let’s be honest, we’ve all had some show stoppers in our dating history, but they never lasted. We need more than physical attraction and a great bed room stroke. If you can’t connect mentally with your significant other, I mean really… what IS the point?

And I pose another question: Could the story of Cupid and Psyche possibly be the blueprint of what REAL love looks like?

With all the metaphors and themes in this story, they’re countless correlations in how we as human beings approach the subject of love even now. Some being relationships between Mother in Laws and Wives, mean girls, how we women will go through hell for the men we love, the maturing of the soul, sacrifice, when men are ready to settle down they do, and the age old adage “If it’s really Love, it will come back.” And I am a firm believer that there is nothing new under the sun, and that literature, especially the Bible, has an example of a problem and a solution, and a logical code of ethics to go about it. Besides, with society looking to social media, speed dates, and THE worse… blind dates trying to seek out love… would it really hurt to look at a little literature to attempt to understand a subject that confuses majority of the population. And if that doesn’t get you: it’s cost effective, time effective, and if you’re anything like me, you can quit asking your home girl to call with an “emergency” thirty minutes into all your dates.

But ultimately what I got from the story was this, and I’m sure you’ve heard it before: Let HIM find you ladies, and in the meantime make sure you’re are ready to receive him.

With that being said…Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! Ladies here’s to receiving your Cupid, and men here’s to finding your Psyche. 

As for me, I suppose I’m still in the mirror… getting ready.

Read Full Story of Cupid and Psyche here.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Enlightenment anyone?

So I've revamped my blog...again. I don't know man but this thing is like a work in progress, much like my life, but I'm grateful for the evolution...really I am. So to answer your question...yeah, it's quite possible that I'm on some other ish right now.

Which is also why I changed the name and theme of this blog, because I felt like I had wayyyy too much going on in my previous one and I really couldn't get with the name either..."The Next B Thing"'s kinda whack now that I think about it, but I felt the "Balancing Act" suited better for the simple fact that's exactly what I'm doing. And I also found out some other stuff along the 1) how much I actually dislike entertainment journalism and the personalities that that industry entails and in a perfect world I would rather do travel and/or food journalism. 2) That maybe a relationship isn't all what it's cracked up to be 3) I did a piss poor job of balancing everything before because either way something or someone was always being neglected. 4) I dig meditation now. 5) That I HAD to change ALOT if Knight Prodigy Publishing was ever going to see the light of day 6) Finding my focus was half the battle. 7) Ignore negativity...all of it.

I really had to sit down and figure out how I was wired too, which took longer than I expected because some of those wires I had were crossed and others just needed to be cut all together. And I'm proud  that I took out that time to be still and listen instead of always on the go. I can say at 25 I'm taking great joy and pride in tailoring my life like a fierce Prada suit...cause in life, in my opinion, it's really all about the right fit.