Monday, April 19, 2010

“dope will get you through times with no money better than money will get you through times with no dope.” -Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers

In the spirit of National Smoke Day, otherwise known as 4/20, I felt compelled to drop a few lines about the subject and its controversial relation to society as a whole. I personally believe that the bill on the legalization of marijuana can and will be passed.

What bill you say?

The one that has managed to find itself on the November 2010 California ballot. The iniative has caught the attention of 680,000 supporters when it only needed 433,971 to be included.

My thing is what is all the fuss? We've already legalized both tobacco and alcohol, with the former being the second leading cause of death in America due to cancer, and the latter being the fifth due to vehicular homocides( Mary Jane is no killer.

Not to mention that this scenario has played itself out before in 1933 with the reluctantcy of alcohol...Think Prohibition.

But honestly would it be so bad? Could it even be possible that legalizing ganja could pull our economy out of the gutter?

If the government did decide to take part, that would mean they would be able to tax on a tens of billions of dollar industry! Which means more money towards the country's fiscal endeavors, a tax revenue of $1.4 billion to be exact.( Not to mention the medical benefits,crime reduction... hell it may even create some jobs...I can see Craigslist now:

Must be fluent in Dutch, Swisher, Backwoods, Vegas, Cigarillos, and Whiteboys...

If not for any other reason, its economically sound...HAPPY BLAZING!

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree. I do believe the PROS outweigh the CONS anyday: Huge benefits medically, could be a source of additional tax revenues, police/courts can focus on more serious crimes, can minimize the chance of creating lifelong criminals, FDA could possibly ensure the safety of what's being sold (although I don't know how I feel about that) and besides, just like cigs, alcohol, and sex, weed is just another one of life's little guilty pleasures and should be a choice. Also, who wouldn't gladly be a blunt roller or even a professional marijuana buyer (similar to clothing store buyers)? I know I would. Great Post!
